NON-BUILDING Structures: Project List
NON-BUILDING Structures: Project List
Amador Lewis, Inc. provides structural engineering calculations/report package and drawings that may include vertical load analysis, foundation design, and lateral load analysis for the construction of Non-Building structures. Our completed projects ranges in scope of work to meet our customers needs in the following sectors:
Foundations for Pre-engineered Steel Buildings & Non-building Structures
Reinforced Concrete & Concrete Masonry Units (CMU) Block Retaining Walls
Unbraced Cantilevered Walls
Interior Bearing or Non-Bearing Walls
Anchorage and lateral bracing for suspended ceilings and light fixtures
Access Floor Systems (Catwalks and Mezzanines)
Equipment Support and Seismic Bracing/Anchorage
Tanks and Vessels, including Support Systems & Foundations
Miscellaneous Structural Support Systems

Foundations for Pre-engineered Steel Buildings & Non-building Structures
Foundation Plan for Pre-Engineered Buildings (as pictured)
Foundations for Pre-engineered Steel Buildings & Non-building Structures
Foundation Plan for Pre-Engineered Buildings (as pictured)
+ Pre Engineered Building Foundation, Shed Building, Lodi, CA
Customer: Dr. Brandon Nash
+ Doreva Produce Ag Buildings 1 thru 10 - Foundation, Livingston, CA. Customer: Bullock Construction, Turlock, CA
+ HILMAR CHEESE Expansion. Refrigeration/Piping Supports, Hilmar, CA
Support framing system and foundation design. Customer: APCC
+ Equipment Support, Delano, CA. Equipment anchorage calculation and design of support and foundation system. Customer: L&A Process Systems
+ 15K Truck Lift Foundation, Ceres, CA Equipment anchorage calculation and design of supporting foundation. Customer: Fargo Distributing
Reinforced Conrete and CMU Block Retaining Walls
Reinforced Conrete and CMU Block Retaining Walls
General McDermont Fieldhouse - "Flowrider" (as pictured)
Analysis and design of pool walls and its foundation. Customer: Metal Craft Construction, Inc.
+ McDermont Fieldhouse: Elevator Pit, Lindsay, CA. Analysis and design of pool walls and its foundation. Customer: Metal Craft Construction, Inc.
+ 8ft CMU block wall, Modesto, CA Customer: Anita Hellam
+ Swearingen Residence, Modesto, CA 8 ft CMU Wall. Customer: Rush Creations
+ Lebrett Residence, Modesto, CA 7ft Outdoor Fireplace. Customer: Rush Creations
+ 16ft Reinforced CMU Block Site Wall, Modesto, CA. Customer: City Of Modesto

Unbraced Cantilevered Walls
Unbraced Cantilevered Walls
+McDermont Fieldhouse: 35ft x 50ft High Rock Climbing Wall: Lindsay, CA (as pictured) Customer: Daniels Wood Land
+ 16ft Chain-Link Fence, Stockton, CA. Customer: Mid-Cal Constructors
Interior Walls
+ Non-Bearing Wall Inspection– Salida, CA. Determination of bearing points in a residential construction. Customer: Nick Hewko
Anchorage and lateral bracing for suspended ceilings
and light fixtures.
+ Living Water Bible Church, Modesto, CA. Pre-engineered metal building structural framing review and design of ceiling and lighting fixture supports. Customer: Living Water Bible Church
McDermont Fieldhouse - over 50ft "Tree House", Lindsay, CA (as pictured)
Customer: Metal Craft Construction, Inc., Portreville, CA
McDermont Fieldhouse - over 50ft "Tree House", Lindsay, CA (as pictured)
Customer: Metal Craft Construction, Inc., Portreville, CA
Connections for prefabricated structural elements
other than walls.
+ MTA Awnings - Main St., Turlock, CA. Design and analysis of aluminum framing and support. Customer: Modesto Tent and Awnings
+ Van Meter Elementary School – Window Framing, CA. Customer: Stiles Custom Metals

Access Floor Systems.
Access Floor Systems.
McDermont Fieldhouse & Soccer Fields- (as pictured). Analysis and design of fencing structural supports and anchorage to floor systems. Customer: Metal Craft Construction, Inc.
+ McDermont Fieldhouse - Multi-level Mezzanine and Catwalk Addition, Lindsay, CA. Customer: Metal Craft Construction, Inc.
+ Lindsay Colonnade - Railings, Lindsay, CA. (Pictured below) Customer: Metal Craft Construction, Inc.
+ Bridge Rating – Riverbank, CA. Evaluation of existing truck bridge and recommendation for reinforcements. Customer: NI Industries, Riverbank, CA
framing system. Customer: Zenon Environmental, Inc.
Lindsay Colonade- Lindsay, CA (as pictured)
Customer: City of Lindsay, CA
Lindsay Colonade- Lindsay, CA (as pictured)
Customer: City of Lindsay, CA
Equipment Support and Seismic Bracing/Anchorage
+ WINCO Expansion - Coil Supports, Ceres, CA. Customer: APCC
+ Cooling Tower Support, Delano, CA. L&A Process Systems
+ Bank Of America, Hanford, CA. Roof Top Unit seismic anchorage and design of support. Customer: Debb Construction
+ Bank Of America, Reedley, CA. Roof Top Unit. Customer: Debb Construction
+ Bank Of America, Portreville, CA. Roof Top Unit. Customer: Debb Construction
+ Duplex HVAC Support, Ceres, CA. Customer: Anna Mulgado
+ Kraft Foods, Modesto, CA. Customer: Kraft Foods
+ Quaker Oats/Gatorade – RTU Support, Oakland, CA. Customer: Quaker Oats/Gatorade
+ Michael's - HVAC Support - Turlock, CA. Customer: Rassac Air
+ Hazelton School - HVAC Support, Stockton, CA. Customer: Stockton Unified School District

Sunnyside Silo Building Expansion- Fairfield, CA (as pictured)
Customer: Mid-Cal Constructors
Sunnyside Silo Building Expansion- Fairfield, CA (as pictured)
Customer: Mid-Cal Constructors
Tanks and Vessels, including Support Systems & Foundations
+ DELICATO Expansion -Equipment Supports, Manteca, CA. Support framing system and foundation design. Customer: APCO
+ DELANO Growers - Tank Support, Delano, CA. Customer: L&A Process Systems, Inc.
+ Golden Valley Grape Juice & Wine, Madera, CA. Mat Foundation design to support 54ft High Evaporator Equipment support tower. Customer: Golden Valley Grape Juice & Wine
+ ZW500D 64M Support Brackets, Anchorage, and Skid Framing, CA.Customer: Zenon Environmental, Inc.
+ Sunnyside Silo Building Expansion, Fairfield, CA. Seismic calculations and design of two new 50K Gallon Silo Tank anchorage and pad foundation. Customer: Mid-Cal Constructors
+ Vaporizer Tank, Illinois. Vaporizer Tank stands support design review and analysis. Customer: L&A Process Systems, Inc.
+ City of Modesto, Water Treatment Facility, Modesto, CA. Chlorine Tank seismic calculations for anchorage and foundation. Customer: City of Modesto
+ ZW1000 Support Brackets and Skid Framing, CA. Customer: Zenon Environmental, Inc.
+ Fox Hill – Tank Seismic Review, Fox Hill, CA. Customer: Zenon Environmental, Inc.
Miscellaneous Structural Support Systems
Miscellaneous Structural Support Systems
+ "Meet Dave": Eddie Murphy head (as illustrated in 3D): structural support structure: Los Angeles, CA Analysis and design of framing and its connections. Customer: Daniels Wood Land
Signs, Billboards, and Light Poles.
+ 40ft High Signage – Ceres, CA. Analysis and design of Signage support and its foundation. Customer: Curtis Graphics
Storage Racks over 6 ft.
+ Permanent floor-supported cabinets and book stacks
more than 6 ft in height.

Please contact us to learn more
Please contact us to learn more
1 (209) 300-3358 or RAPUNZEL@amador-lewis.com